Here’s a table of some of the many approaches to food that have worked for different people. Some may work best when used for a short-term “reset.” Others can serve as long-term eating styles. Depending on execution, several can promote personal, community, and environmental health. Consider trying different ones, borrowing or using combinations, and finding good coaching or other support.
Approach | Staple Food Examples | Avoided Food Examples | Potential Challenges |
The Healthy Platter/Tyson Weems style | Veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts, whole rolled oats, organic PB, extra virgin olive oil, turkey and eggs from trustworthy farmers | Refined carbs, refined and cooked oils, most processed foods, low-cal fat and sugar substitutes | Accessing quality food at restaurants, learning food prep skills, substituting for nuts (if allergic), social eating |
By Blood Type | Type O meat, poultry, fish; type A mainly vegetarian; type B low-fat dairy, meat, produce; type AB fish, dairy, produce | Type O most grains; type A meat; type B wheat, corn; type AB chicken, beef, pork | Social eating, family eating, preparing food for people with different blood types |
Dietary Guidelines for Americans | Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean meat | Added sugars, foods high in cholesterol, trans-fat, saturated fat, or salt | Ethical food production, selecting from a vast number of food options |
Low Carb (e.g., Atkins) | Meat, cream, butter, olive oil | Grains, potatoes, rice, significant amounts of fruits, pastries, sugary desserts | Ethical food production, lack of food variety, social eating, getting enough fiber or calories (athletes) |
Low Fat (Pritikin, Ornisch) | Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean meat (Pritikin) | Fried foods, butter, oil, fatty meat, whole milk, nuts and seeds | Feeling full, social eating, getting enough vit D & omega-3 fats, processing lots of carbs (athletes) |
Macrobiotic | Vegetables, brown rice, beans, fermented soy | Meat, poultry, pork | Getting sufficient nutrients (certain strict approaches), social eating |
Mediterranean | Vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, olive oil, grains (in moderation) | Processed foods, animal fat (other than from fish) | Access to 3D Healthy fish (not contaminated with mercury or farmed in dirty ways) |
Paleo | Meat, fish, tree nuts, berries | Grains, beans, most processed foods, milk, peanuts | Access to meat similar in quality to that found in the past, social eating |
Periodic Fasting | Varies, but commonly vegetarian or vegan | Processed foods, all foods during water-only fasts, all but juice during juice fasts | Hunger and maintaining muscle mass and electrolyte balance during fasts, developing a binge & purge mentality |
South Beach | Non-starchy vegetables, meat, most fruits, low-fat dairy | Fruits like bananas & raisins, grains like white rice & refined wheat, sugary desserts | Reducing carb intake during 1st 2 weeks, obtaining adequate calories without more fat (athletes) |
Stronger U (macro counting) | Lean protein sources, simple home-prepared foods | Significant portions of high-fat foods | Counting combination or restaurant foods, planning consistency |
Vegan | Vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts, seeds | Anything containing animal products or biproducts (including honey) | Getting enough protein/vit B12/vit D, avoiding GM soy used for most soy milk & meat substitutes, social eating |
Vegetarian | Vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts, seeds | Beef; pork; poultry; fish, dairy, eggs (depending on strictness) | Getting enough protein, avoiding GM soy used for most soy milk and meat substitutes, taste, texture |
The Zone | Any (in most cases, mainly whole, nutrient-dense foods) | None (small servings of nearly any food are technically allowed) | Time/energy to initially weigh foods & track servings (blocks), eating every 3-4 hours |