Recommended General Food Practices
- Choosing mainly whole foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts…)
- Drinking plenty of tap water (ideally filtered) instead of sweetened drinks
- Looking for ways to minimize refined carbohydrates (sugars, flours)
- Aiming to balance each meal by including
- One or more vegetables
- A protein-rich food made respecting animals and the environment
- Quality fat (like that in nuts, nut butters, seeds, guacamole, extra virgin olive oil)
Food Projects or Actions to Try
- Aiming for a personal record in how many of your meals or snacks include vegetables this week
- Getting extra calories (if needed) from nuts, nut butters, guacamole, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), or complex carbs like oatmeal
- Controlling intake of “cheat foods” not likely to promote 3D Health if eaten in large amounts (by subbing other foods, using them like condiments, or including them only occasionally)
- Helping with a garden or starting a small one
- Competing with yourself or others for how many snacks or meals you prepare this week
- Batch cooking and portioning out servings to last the week (or freezing some for later)
- Joining a vegetable or meat CSA and learning about the farm’s production methods
- Going to a farmer’s market and trying a new vegetable or fruit (perhaps asking the farmer for ideas for preparing the vegetable)
- Noting how many packaged foods contain soybean or palm oil or 10+ grams of sugar per serving
- Getting a quality sink-top or under sink water filter (e.g., the New Wave Enviro 10-Stage)
- Drinking filtered tap water from a stainless steel water bottle throughout the day (replacing sugary beverages if applicable)
- For more health project ideas covering a range of topics, click here