About the Scores
Action scoring scale:
Key details
- Individual action scores are based on the estimated net promotion or opposition of autocracy of the leader’s actions
- Judges will be historians and other experts TBD
Summary: Scores by Category
(6 actions per category)
Limiting public information access
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Having a media outlet consistently echo the leader's talking points (a.k.a. state-run media)
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Having a media outlet consistently echo the leader's talking points (a.k.a. state-run media)
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Tweeting about a Martin Gugino conspiracy story published by OAN (6/9/20) link
- Inviting Sean Hannity on stage during a campaign rally and complimenting him on his coverage (3/22/20) link
- Tweeting “With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!” (10/11/17) link
- Appointee Michael Pack purging former appointees at Voice of America and Radio Free Europe and replacing them with less independent loyalists (6/19/20) link
- Brian Karem's "hard pass" being revoked by the White House (3/23/20) link
- Giving special permission to OANN to be in the press briefing room on days they weren't supposed to be (4/1/20) link
- Appearing on Fox News 8 times more than any other network (7/26/19) link
- Complaining that Fox News "isn't working for us anymore" (8/28/19) link
- Calling the press (as a whole) "the enemy of the people" (4/5/19) link
- According to John Bolton privately saying journalists should be jailed and forced to reveal their sources and that "these people should be executed. They are scumbags." 6/18/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Daily publication or broadcasting of direct and misleading public communications
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Daily publication or broadcasting of direct and misleading public communications
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Starting 2020 campaign rallies in 2017 (2/12/19) link
- Making false statements at a rally about cutting taxes, Democratic voters leaving the party, and the crowd size (1/28/20) link
- "Burying" a CDC report on reopening businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic (6/21/20) link
- Tweeting up to 200 times in one day (6/6/20) link
- Tweeting the unsubstatiated claim that "There is NO WAY (ZERO) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent" (5/26/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: A restrictive policy being applied across all governmental agencies
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: A restrictive policy being applied across all governmental agencies
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Federal Fisheries Management having a policy to no longer mention COVID-19 (6/26/20) link
- Not publishing reviews for chemical applications, including health and safety information (3/18/20) link
- "Burying" a CDC report on reopening businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic (5/7/20) link
- Demanding CNN apologize for a poll showing him down 14 points to Biden (6/10/20) link
- Suing to prevent publication of books by John Bolton and Mary Trump (6/24/20) link
- Suing to prevent release of tax documents, keep Don McGahn from testifying to Congress (11/27/19) link
- Spending 10% of campaign funds to prevent unflattering information from being published (5/12/20) link
- Haivng his appointed HHS spokeman and his team review, seek to amend or block various CDC scientific reports on COVID-19 to health professionals (9/11/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Shifting norms and conversations to limit thought/public scrutiny
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Involving government personnel in falsehoods
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Involving government personnel in falsehoods
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Claiming repeatedly that "without Coronavirus testing 'we would have very few cases'" of the virus (5/15/20) link
- Making false or misleading statements at an astronomical rate compared to predecessors (5/5/20) link
- NOAA issuing an official statement to defend DT's hurricane warnings for Alabama after a National Weather Service information contradicted the POTUS 20 min after he spoke (9/7/19) link
- Having the National Parks Service doctor photographs of the inauguration to make the crowd appear larger (9/6/18) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Consistently infusing public statements with nationalist "us vs. them" zero-sum messages
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Consistently infusing public statements with nationalist "us vs. them" zero-sum messages
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Calling for embrace nationalism and reject globalism in a UN speech (9/24/19) link
- Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accordd, Iran nuclear deal, and UNESCO (11/21/18) link
- Calling for border closures and sending troops to the southern border to defend it against an "invasion" of migrants including "many gang members" (10/30/18) link
- Calling generals "losers" for defending NATO (1/17/20) link
- Repeatedly demanding (and ultimately getting) a military parade (7/2/19) link
- Portraying Mexican immigrant groups as full of rapists and gang members (8/31/16) link
- Encouraging police officers not to shield arrestees' heads from doors (7/28/17) link
- Tweeting "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" (5/29/20) link
- Tweeting "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" and other states in support of armed protesters in the state capitol (4/17/20) link
- Saying in a UN General Assembly speech "The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them or replace them... The future does not belong to globalists, the future belongs to patriots." (9/24/19) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Removing or completely ignoring conflict of interest rules
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Removing or completely ignoring conflict of interest rules
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Talking and Tweeting about "Obamagate" without being able to name or allege any specific criminal activity (5/14/20) link
- Using "attack and bias frames" when Tweeting about the media (7/30/19) link
- Characterizing dissent (e.g., kneeling during the national anthem) as unpatriotic (5/24/18) link
- Claiming that a judge of Mexican descent ruled against him in a class action lawsuit because "he was a hater of Donald Trump" (6/5/16) link
- Characterizing criticism of policies or Presidential behavior as simple hatred of the man (TDS) (6/18/18) link
- Tweeting conspiracy theories (e.g., that HRC's deleted emails are in Ukraine) (9/25/19) link
- Having "family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest, misuse of public funds, influence peddling, self-enrichment, working for foreign governments, failure to disclose information and violating ethics rules" (7/1/20) link
- Failing to put businesses in a blind trust after winning the 2016 election (3/18/19) link
- Operating the Trump Hotel in DC, used by numerous foreign dignitaries in apparent violation of the emoluments clause (5/14/20) link
- Appointing numerous corrupt cabinet members and permitting corruption in agencies (7/1/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
CATEGORY AVERAGE = 2.8 (aggressively promoting autocracy)
Minimizing public and media criticism
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Sanctioning constant surveillance and frequent arrests or other penalties for dissenting
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Sanctioning constant surveillance and frequent arrests or other penalties for dissenting
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Referring to protesters against Confederate monuments "agitators" and "terrorists" (6/26/20) link
- Saying Viktor Orban has done “a tremendous job in so many different ways,” noting that he was, “like me, a little bit controversial, but that’s okay.” (5/13/19) link
- Demanding that governors "dominate" protesters(6/1/20) link
- Proposing fees and other steps to limit protesting near the White House(10/12/18) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Calling opponents dogs or other terms portraying them as less than human
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Calling opponents dogs or other terms portraying them as less than human
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Referring to protesters against Confederate monumnets "agitators" and "terrorists" (6/26/20) link
- Claiming that a "75-year-old Buffalo protester 'could be an ANTIFA provocateur'” (6/9/20) link
- Calling George Floyd protesters in Minnesota "thugs" (5/30/20) link
- Retweeting a post accusing Ilhan Omar of partying on the anniversary of 9/11 (9/18/19) link
- Painting Biden as "the leader of the 'radical left'" and a coddler of antifa (6/9/20) link
- Calling Black Lives Matter a "symbol of hate" (7/1/20) link
- Calling critical former employees and critics in media dogs (8/15/18) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Sanctioning long jail sentences or violence in retribution for simple reporting or opinion writing
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader:
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Sanctioning long jail sentences or violence in retribution for simple reporting or opinion writing
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Repeatedly saying he wants to reopen libel laws (1/11/18) link
- Demanding (and reportedly calling for a DOJ lawsuit) to block the AT&T/Time Warner merger as punishment based on unfavorable news coverage (3/4/19) link
- Failing to denounce the conviction of Philipines journalist Maria Ressa for libel (6/21/20) link
- After Khashoggi's killing saying at the 2019 G20 summit "It's an honor to be with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, a friend of mine, a man who has really done things in the last five years in terms of opening up Saudi Arabia" (10/2/19) link
- Calling Putin "a strong leader" and saying there is no proof that he's having critical Russian journalists killed (12/20/15) link
- Joking about getting rid of journalists while meeting with Putin (6/28/19) link
- At a rally saying about Greg Gianforte "Any guy who can do a body slam, he’s my kind of — he’s my guy" (10/18/18) link
- Using chemical irritants to clear protesters in order to visit St. John's Church for a photo op (6/5/20) link
- Threatening to deploy the U.S. military against George Floyd protesters (6/1/20) link
- In response to reports of him making disrespectful comments about dead or injured soldiers, tweeting “Jennifer Griffin should be fired for this kind of reporting. Never even called us for comment. Fox News is gone!” (9/6/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Paring back Hong Kong's special status as China implements a security law restricting free speech and assembly (6/29/20) link
Obstructing free and fair elections
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Offering/providing significant tax breaks or other financial incentives to elites
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Offering/providing significant tax breaks or other financial incentives to elites
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- The 2017 tax bill most benefiting the wealthy, despite the president claiming otherwise (11/25/19) link
- Deregulation to benefit supporters in fossil fuel and chemical industries (4/1/18) link
- Hiding the identities of major inauguration donors (5/5/18) link
- Giving governmental positions to large donors (e.g., Devos in the cabinet, ambassadorships) (12/9/16) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Passing new laws or other measures to significantly restrict voting access
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Passing new laws or other measures to significantly restrict voting access
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Blocking USPS funding and saying "if we don’t make a deal, that means they don’t get the money. That means they can’t have universal mail-in voting, they just can’t have it.” (8/13/20) link
- Tweeting "Delay the [2020] Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???" (7/30/20) link
- Installing a big campaign contributor to lead the Postal Service, resulting in delivery delays before a vote-by-mail-dependent election (8/7/20) link
- Cancelation of GOP primaries in 2020 (9/16/19) link
- Making false claims while opposing mail-in voting during COVID-19 (6/22/20) link
- Seeking to reduce representation of residents of Hispanic decent by trying to include a citizenship question on the U.S. Census (blocked by the Supreme Court) (6/27/19) link
- Jokingly telling Putin not to meddle in the next election while meeting with him (8/28/19) link
- Requesting that Russia and China interfere in presidential elections (10/3/19) link
- Ignoring advisors and calling to congratulate Putin after winning a likely rigged re-election (2/18/19) link
- Claiming the 2016 election was rigged and that thousands cast fraudulent ballots (1/24/17) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Ignoring a law or rule considered restrictive for financing a campaign
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Ignoring a law or rule considered restrictive for financing a campaign
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Breaking campaign finance laws by secretly paying off women with whom he had affairs (12/14/18) link
- Failing to provide an accurate list of 2017 inauguration donors (4/5/19) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
CATEGORY AVERAGE = 2.2 (aggressively promoting autocracy)
Altering roles to suit the leader’s interests
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Eliminating an agency not considered useful for advancing the leader's interests
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Eliminating an agency not considered useful for advancing the leader's interests
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Disbanding The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit and having certain members reassigned to other units within the NSC (3/25/20) link
- Having COVID-19 hospitalization data sent to HHS rather than the CDC (7/15/20) link
- Repeatedly cutting IRS funding (3/16/17) link
- Repeatedly cutting HUD funding (3/4/20) link
- Publicly backing Putin over U.S. intelligence assessments of Russian interference in the 2016 election (7/19/18) link
- Eliminating or relaxing EPA regulations, particularly regarding air pollution and emissions (5/15/20) link
- Saying "excuse me, excuse me, I don’t care what the military says. I make the decisions." (7/19/20) link
- Claiming he is the "chief law enforcement officer" of the U.S. (2/18/20) link
- 22 acting directors serving 1 out of every 9 days between 2017 and 2020 in agencies and departments (2/21/20) link
- Blocking CDC director Redfield from testifying to the house Education and Labor Committee about reopening schools (7/17/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Installing family members or other unskilled loyalists to replace scientific or economic experts
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Installing family members or other unskilled loyalists to replace scientific or economic experts
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Jared and Ivanka having official roles link
- Appointing Richard Grenell acting Director of Intelligence, despite having "no background in intelligence and no top-level management experience" (2/20/20) link
- Appointing Ben Carson to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, despite having "no prior housing, executive or government background" (9/20/18) link
- Retweeting Chuck Woolery saying "Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust." (7/13/20) link
- White House aids circulating "aides are circulating talking points attacking [Fauci's] past statements about the coronavirus pandemic" for downplaying its severity (7/13/20) link
- Nightly phone calls with Sean Hannity (1/9/19( link
- Giuliani conducting foreign policy in Ukraine on Trump’s behalf without confirmation or having a contract with the U.S. government (1/15/20) link
- Hiding details of face-to-face meetings with Vladimir Putin from his own administration (1/13/19) link
- Engaging in exclusively personal diplomacy with Kim Jong Un (4/24/20) link
- Telling Rex Tillerson he was wasting his time engaging diplomatically with North Korea (6/1/18) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Having a military group enforce a domestic policy
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Having a military group enforce a domestic policy
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Repeatedly asking for (and eventually getting) a military parade in DC (6/3/19) link
- Forcing West Point grads to return to school and quarantine for 2 weeks just to be able to speak to them (and have a photo op) (6/13/20) link
- Referring to "my generals" and "my military," giving speeches and making appearances with uniformed officers 6/13/20) link
- Requesting that the G8 reform with Russia a member without addressing annexation of Crimea (6/2/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Conditioning aid or trade on policies harmful to the leader's political oponents
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Conditioning aid or trade on policies harmful to the leader's political oponents
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Ivanka being awarded multiple Chinese trademarks (11/7/18) link
- Repeatedly pressing Ukraine President Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden's son Hunter (11/21/19) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Focusing on loyalty to the leader (vs. a constitution or other laws)
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Employing a loyalty-based firing or reassignment policy across all federal agencies
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Employing a loyalty-based firing or reassignment policy across all federal agencies
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Johnny McEntee, head of the Office of Presidential Personnel, had "a meeting to instruct departments to search for people not devoted to the president so they can be removed" (2/22/20) link
- Firing Jeff Sessions for insufficient loyalty (11/7/18) link
- Seeking to remove FBI General Counsel Dana Boente for participating in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election (6/3/20) link
- Firing Geoffrey Berman, "who led the Southern District of New York’s (SDNY) investigations into two of Trump’s personal lawyers, as well as other probes that had rankled the President" (6/22/20) link
- Firing FBI director James Comey after requesting he pledge personal loyalty (according to Comey's testimony to Congress) (12/21/17) link
- Political appointee questionnaire with a questions about comments on media about the POTUS, other loyalty-related measures (3/5/20) link
- Having cabinet members take turns praising him and expressing gratitude in a public meeting (6/12/17) link
- A week into his first term telling the FBI director "I need loyalty. I expect loyalty." (3/6/18) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Removing or replacing independent accountability personnel
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Removing or replacing independent accountability personnel
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Firing 4 federal inspectors general in 6 weeks (spring 2020) (5/18/20) link
- Removing Alexander Vindman and his twin brother from their posts at The White House after Alexander testified in the impeachment trial (2/7/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
CATEGORY AVERAGE = 2.3 (aggressively promoting autocracy)
Manipulating legal systems for personal benefit
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Creating new loyal courts or dissolving insufficiently loyal ones
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Creating new loyal courts or dissolving insufficiently loyal ones
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Packing the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals with conservative judges (6/6/18) link
- Appointing 107 judges to federal courts in 3 years (the most since Kennedy) (5/22/19) link
- Claiming an inherent conflict of interest for a judge of Mexican descent deciding his Trump University class action lawsuit because of ethnicity (6/6/17) link
- Claiming that a Muslim judge could be biased against him (6/5/16) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Protecting friends from investigation or prosecution
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Protecting friends from investigation or prosecution
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Calling for Adam Schiff to be tried for treason (11/30/19) link
- Using the US Justice Department to investigate Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, and John Brennan (all of whom have criticized him) (1/17/20) link
- Easing Roger Stone sentencing recommendation (6/23/20) link
- Pardoning Joe Arpaio and Dinesh D'Souza (3/19/20) link
- Pardoning two Navy seals on trial in military courts for war crimes and restoring Eddie Gallagher's rank after he was demoted for posing with the body of a detainee (11/15/19) link
- The Justice Department withdrawing charges against Michael Flynn after he admitted to lying to the FBI (6/24/20) link
- Commuting the jail sentence of longtime advisor Roger Stone (7/10/20) link
- Saying he has the “absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department" (12/29/19) link
- Saying "I absolutely have the right to pardon myself" (6/4/18) link
- 31 of 36 pardons to date advancing a personal political goal, involving a personal connection orto someone he knows well, being brought to his attention by TV or a TV commentator, or apparently based on his admiration for celebrity (7/11/20) link
- Having the Justice Department take over his defense in a defamation suit brought by an alleged rape victim (9/9/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Assuming judicial roles
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Deploying a secret police force to quell dissent
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Deploying a secret police force to quell dissent
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Unidentified law enforcement agents used to police DC protests (6/5/20) link
- Allowing Border Patrol to detain immigrants and asylum seekers largely without oversight (11/4/19) link
- Federal law enforcement officers "using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland [OR] and detain protesters since at least July 14 (7/16/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +1 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Sanctioning a domestic ethnic cleansing campaign
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader:
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Sanctioning a domestic ethnic cleansing campaign
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Saying "there were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down" on 9/11 (11/21/15) link
- Not addressing human rights violations in Kashmir during an official visit with Modi in India ( link
- Allegedly supporting Xi's concentration camps for Uighurs (6/17/20) link
- Criminalizing protests like those against the Keystone XL pipeline (6/5/19) link
- Detaining immigrants and asylum-seekers (7/1/20) link
- Fast-tracking deportations without a hearing before an immigration judge (7/22/19) link
- Requesting expanded emergency powers during the COVID-19 pandemic (3/21/20) link
- Declaring (and extending) a state of emergency on the southern border in order to obtain wall funding (2/14/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Calling for sanctions against China based on treatment of Uighurs (11/16/18) link
Avoiding legal obstacles and accountability
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Defying court orders deemed unsatisfactory
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Defying court orders deemed unsatisfactory
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Defying a court order to turn over emails about Ukraine based on a FOIA lawsuit (4/1/20) link
- Repeatedly "circumventing liberal-leaning lower courts and heading straight to the conservative-majority Supreme Court" (2/1/18) link
- Defying "a federal court order compelling the full restoration of DACA" (7/28/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Claiming privilege or immunity from investigation or prosecution
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Claiming privilege or immunity from investigation or prosecution
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Claiming immunity from criminal investigation while in office (5/12/20) link
- Claiming immunity from being sued by people like Jean Carroll (for allegedly raping her) (3/4/20) link
- Claiming "that executive privilege immunizes his close aides from an obligation to testify before or to turn over to Congress documents in their possession." (12/19/19) link
- Claiming "I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president." (7/23/19) link
- Defying Congressional subpoenas during the impeachment investigation (11/4/19) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
CATEGORY AVERAGE = 2.3 (aggressively promoting autocracy)
Assuming legislative roles
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Repeatedly granting large sums to pet projects or allies
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Repeatedly granting large sums to pet projects or allies
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Lack of transparency on PPP loans, headed by Mnuchin (6/12/20) link
- Saying "I'll be the oversight" for proper distribution of PPP loans (3/23/20) link
- PPP loans going to oil and gas companies, big donors (5/3/20) link
- Attempting to divert $2.5 billion for a wall on the southern border (6/26/20) link
- Witholding funding for Ukraine while asking Zelensky to publicy announce an investigation into Joe Biden (12/29/20) link
- More PPE shipments to swings states like Florida (3/20/20) link
- Not distributing COVID relief funds to Native Americans in a timely manner (6/12/20) link
- Threatening to block federal funding unless schools open for in-person learning in fall 2020 (7/8/20) link
- Threatening (by Tweet) to revoke colleges' tax-exempt status for indoctrinating students (7/13/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Stripping legislative bodies of powers or dissolving them entirely
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Stripping legislative bodies of powers or dissolving them entirely
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Issuing a record number of executive orders in his first 100 days in office (2/14/17) link
- Banning transgender soldiers in the U.S. military (5/16/20) link
- Banning Muslims from traveling to the U.S. (3/1/20) link
- Demanding that governors allow churches to reopen as essential service providers and threatening those opposed to the idea (5/22/20) link
- Providing no notice or detailed explanation to Congress about the need to kill General Solemani (1/13/20) link
- Dropping 7,423 bombs in Afghanistan in 2019 (a record) (1/28/20) link
- Removing transparency rules for drone strikes after making 2,243 in the first two years in office (vs. 1,878 in Obama's 8 years) (3/7/19) link
- Sending the National Guard to DC to police racial injustice protests (6/7/20) link
- Sending 5200 military personnel to patrol the southern border (10/30/18) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Shutting down the government to prevent a law disliked by the leader from going into effect
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Shutting down the government to prevent a law disliked by the leader from going into effect
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Delaying Russian sanctions in 2018 (1/13/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +1 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Ending or extending term limits for the chief executive
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Ending or extending term limits for the chief executive
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- "Joking" about seeking a third term at a campaign rally (9/10/19) link
- Tweeting "Delay the [2020] Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???" (7/30/20) link
- Threatening to sue Nevada (and deny federal funding to other states) for expanding voting by mail for the 2020 election (8/3/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Avoiding legislative accountability
Scoring (by judge): +2 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Issuing a decree that legislative confirmation is no longer required for appointments
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Issuing a decree that legislative confirmation is no longer required for appointments
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- "I like 'acting' because I can move so quickly," he told CBS' Face The Nation in February, adding, "It gives me more flexibility" (4/14/19) link
- Designating Anthony Tata "the official ‘performing the duties of' the deputy undersecretary of defense policy" amid Senate concern about his fitness (8/2/20) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Scoring (by judge): +3 (TW)
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Ignoring subpoenas in an impeachment investigation
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD
Example of an action that would merit a +3 score: Ignoring subpoenas in an impeachment investigation
Examples of pro-autocratic actions by the leader:
- Defying Congressional subpoenas during the impeachment investigation (11/4/19) link
- Obstructing the Mueller Investigation in multiple ways (4/21/19) link
- Claiming "that executive privilege immunizes his close aides from an obligation to testify" in an impeachment inquiry (12/19/19) link
- Claiming "absolute immunity" from Congressional oversight (11/26/19) link
Examples of anti-autocratic actions by the leader: TBD